Woven images created for the Museum of Sydney (MOS) on the site of First Government House display MacDonald’s gift for creating harmony from bizarre marriages. In MOS 2 a single androgynous portrait is woven from two inhabitants of the early colony: Balloderree as depicted by the Port Jackson Painter and Elizabeth Macarthur by an unknown oil painter. MOS 1 made an Arcimboldo-style face from contemporary portraits of the nine Governors who inhabited First Government House, interwoven with the Port Jackson Painter’s Aboriginal profile portrait, Colebee.
Joan Kerr. ‘Colonial Quotations’, Art &Australia 33/3 Autumn, p.376
MoS 1A, 1995, digital image 1 lenticular post card 18 x 15cm and cibachrome print 60 x 50 cm
Source Images: Colbee when a Moobee after Balloderree’s burial, Port Jackson Painter, British Museum; the first nine Governors of New South Wales, Mitchell Library SLNSW
MoS 2A, 1995, digital image 1 lenticular post card 18 x15cm and cibachrome print 60 x 50 cm
Source Images: Balloderree, Port Jackson Painter, British Museum; Elizabeth Macarthur, unknown artist, Mitchell Library, SLNSW