Collaborative Print Folio Fiona MacDonald, Maria Madeira, Narelle Jubelin, Victor De Sousa
Elastic / Borracha / Elástico (2012 Timor-Leste Mobile Residency Archive).
Offset Lithographic Set printed by the artists with Big Fag Press, Sydney in 2014.
Installed double hung two rows of five -124cm h x 230cm w each print 62.5 x 46.5 cm, unframed.
Document of informal meetings with weavers, builders and school children.
Elastic / Borracha / Elástico at The Cross Art Projects –
Contemporary Art & Timor Leste –
Download sample of Elastic / Borracha / Elástico > Download as pdf
Artist’s Statement:
Elastic / Borracha / Elástico witnesses Timor Leste’s reconstruction through the eyes of four artists who travelled to eleven of the thirteen districts in a mobile residency in late 2012. The artists record everyday life and the inspirational work of women weavers and traditional builders whose resilient cultural upkeep subversively aided the forty-year liberation struggle. Their innovative work gives spirit and form to the challenges of rebuilding in a new democracy and one of the world’s poorest countries.
The title is taken from the universal collaborative children’s jumping game of Elastic / Borracha / Elástico and refers in English, Tetum and Portuguese to the ground-up rebuilding from scorched earth. It also refers to the zigzagging historical records, contesting geo-political points of view and the different generational experiences of the brutal four decades following Portugal’s de-colonisation of Timor Leste. Many truths have been told; many will remain untold.
03: Alberto De Cruz, Albertina Da Cruz, Terezinha Da Cruz, Domingas Soares
District: Bobonaro
Sub District: Marobo
Village: Atuabe
Celina Pinto (Por Timor) Carmelite Convent
Sub District: Bobonar
District: Maliana
05: Emilea Orzinda Amaral, Francisco Neto Amaral, Ferninia Da Conceição, Cecilia Barros, Ana Flora
District: Covalima
Village: Suai Loro
07: Paulina Amaral, Maria Ximenes; Eugenia Lopes dancing with Rozantino Cristiano Amaral
District: Baucau
Sub District: Venilale
Village: Fatulia
Open Archive No 3, No 4, No 5, No 6, 2014. Four short movies, duration 0:11:04. Video Production: Moon Cube Design
Elastic / Borracha / Elástico: Darwin <> Dili , duration 0:05:30.
Camera work by Victor De Sousa, Narelle Jubelin, Skye Raabe. Video edit by Fiona MacDonald & Moon Cube Design